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Thanksgiving with Ama

Hello Glassy People!

It's nice to see you here again :) The Holiday season is among us and if you've been keeping up with the "Adventures of Ama" you'd know that a Thanksgiving feast is in order! Ama has gathered together many of her friends including "Kye" the black cat, "Yo" the scarecrow, and "Omar" the rooster to celebrate. Check out what each friend is bringing to the festivities - all featured on Sand and Water hand-painted recycled glass pieces.

I know. . . a bit ironic that Omar the rooster is bringing turkey to Friendsgiving. Upcoming adventures will feature future holiday items such as Hannukah and Christmas ornaments- Great gift ideas for everyone in the family!

Your opinion is needed, please!

I have been brainstorming a catchy phrase to address all of you lovely people and I believe I've finally found it; "Glassy". I could not be more grateful for how you all have continuously supported me and my passion for beautiful and classy glass pieces and so it seems very fitting to call you "Glassy People". Do you like it?

October Scavenger Hunt

is continuing to pave the way to the Grand Giveaway so don't forget to follow with each clue on Instagram and Facebook and especially don't forget to comment, like, and participate! Each engagement = another chance to enter and win the biggest and best prize yet.



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